It’s Been 30 Years Already?

It’s Been 30 Years Already?

A Reservation at a Fancy Restaurant

It’s hard to believe that 30 years have gone by since my wife and I got married! They’ve certainly been the best three decades of my life—I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

To celebrate our love, I booked a fancy dinner at a 5-star Italian restaurant. I won’t tell my wife where we’re going until we actually get there—I want it to be a surprise! It wasn’t easy to get a table, but thankfully, I found a way to squeeze us in. I can’t wait to see the look on her face when we sit down!

Ordering a Display of Her Favorite Flowers

My wife adores all kinds of flowers, but she is especially fond of roses. So, I’ve arranged an incredible display with both red and white roses. The color contrast will be beautiful, but the real kicker will be how they are set up: in the shape of the dove in the center of a heart! The arrangement wasn’t cheap, but I know that she’ll adore it, so it will be worth every penny.

Getting Facelifts Together

Time is a cruel reality, and for years, age has been distorting our faces. No matter how beautiful I think my wife is, she is always complaining about her lines and wrinkles, and I’ve noticed, too, that I look much older than I actually am.

So, I bit the bullet and asked her if we should both get facelifts. She was thrilled about the idea and asked me to schedule them immediately! What a treat for us—I can’t wait to look like I did 10 years ago, and I’m even more excited to see the love of my life look better than ever.

Enjoying a Romantic Movie by the Fire

My wife and I have always enjoyed movies, but this time, I want to make the experience pop. I plan on starting a fire outside, setting up a projector, and snuggling under a warm comforter. We adore romantic films—particularly romcoms—and also love to discuss the movie’s merits afterward. It’s one of our favorite pastimes!

Going on a Picnic with Fancy Champagne

Ever since we were in our twenties, we’ve loved picnics. This time, I’m going all-out. I bought a bottle of expensive champagne that we’ve never tried before and packed some absolutely delicious snacks. I’ve even commissioned a special checkered blanket with our names on it!

There’s something truly incredible about sitting in nature and enjoying the fresh air, so we’re going to sit by a clear, beautiful lake in the area and enjoy a few hours of sun and fun.


Yet another activity that my wife and I love is camping, which is why I’ve planned a trip for this week. Thankfully, the forecast has been showing nothing but sunshine, so this will be the perfect time to go! I’m hoping that this trip will be reminiscent of our younger camping days, and of the morning I proposed to her on a gorgeous cliffside.

It’s good to get away from the world and enjoy nature’s seclusion once in a while. The ambiance is something truly special to us, especially because we’ve always worked cramped office jobs. However, because we’re getting older, we need a bit of extra comfort, so I went out and bought a new camper. It’ll be easier to sleep on a mattress than have a traditional tent experience!

I’m excited about this week-long excursion, and can’t wait to go hiking, make warm fires, go birdwatching, and show my wife how much I love her. She deserves the best, and I intend to over-deliver on this incredibly special anniversary!

Check Out Our Blog: Scott Mackinlay Hahn- An Overview and Brief History

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